Friday 14 November 2014


It’s a gentle, low-impact form of exercise that’s easy, free and suitable for people of all ages and most abilities. Here’s why it’s so good for you

1. It strengthens your heart

Regular walking has been shown to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. It lowers levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and keeps blood pressure in check. 
Anything that raises your heart rate and gets your blood pumping is a workout for your heart and circulatory system . Walking briskly for up to 30 minutes can help prevent and control the high blood pressure that can cause strokes – reducing your risk by up to 27 per cent.

2. It lowers disease risk

Walking habit can slash your risk of developing type 2 Diabetes ,asthma and some cancers. A study in the British Medical Journal showed taking more steps every day can help ward off diabetes.Those of us who are active have around a 20 per cent lower risk of developing cancer of the colon, breast and womb than those least active.

3. It keeps weight in check

A person weighing 60kg burns 75 calories simply by strolling at 2mph for 30 minutes. Increase that to 3mph and they’ll burn 99 calories. Speed it up to a fast walk (4mph) and that’s 150 calories . Walking also increases muscle mass and tone and the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism – so the more calories you burn, even at rest.

4. It can help prevent dementia

Dementia affects one in 14 people over 65 and one in six over 80. We know being active has a protective effect on brain function and regular exercise reduces dementia risk by up to 40 per cent. 

5. ...and osteoporosis, too

Walking counts as a weight-bearing activity. It stimulates and strengthens bones, increasing their density – really important, especially for women. It also helps maintain healthy joints so may stave off conditions such as arthritis.

6. It tones your butts and thighs

A good walk can help strengthen and shape your legs, giving great definition to calves, quads, hamstrings and lifting your glutes (buttock muscles) – especially if you add hills. 
7. Let’s not forget your arms
Your speed when walking comes from your arms.Hold them at a comfortable level, bent at the elbow, and swing them backwards and forwards as you walk. Swing them faster and you’ll automatically speed up. And all this movement tones your arms, shoulders and upper back." Bye bye, bingo wings!

8. It boosts your vitamin D levels

If you’re walking outside in daylight, you’ll be boosting your body’s stores oVitamin D – a nutrient that’s hard to get from food, but that we can synthesize from exposure to sunlight. Many people  are deficient in vitamin D and it’s a nutrient that plays a big role in everything from bone health to immunity. 

9. It gives you energy

It might seem like a paradox (and the last thing you might feel like) but a brisk walk is one of the best natural energizers around. It boosts circulation and increases oxygen supply to each and every cell in your body, helping you to feel more alert and alive. It wakes up stiff joints and eases muscle tension so you feel less sluggish. 

10. It makes you happy

The ability of exercise to boost mood is undisputed. Studies have shown regular, moderate-intensity exercise (such as brisk walking) to be as effective as antidepressants in cases of mild to moderate depression. Getting active releases feel-good endorphins into the bloodstream, reducing stress and anxiety. And don’t forget it’s often a social activity – joining a walking group or meeting friends to walk and chat is a great way to banish feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

Sunday 2 November 2014

How to Detox Post Diwali?

If you ushered in the festival of lights with traditional good cheer, then sweets and fried savouries must have been a staple part of your diet for weeks. Tips to recover from the excesses that come naturally during the special season

Diwali is the perfect time of year to indulge. As friends and family rejoice together and sweets and snacks are lavishly distributed, it can also mean that high calorie temptation is always close at hand. Especially so, if you are fighting the battle of the bulge, making a tremendous effort to keep your weight, cholesterol and diabetes in check. Not surprisingly, this season can offer the most dangerous pitfalls for good health.
Since it is almost impossible to deprive oneself in the midst of all celebrations and joy, (not to mention the variety of sweetmeats doing the rounds), for most of us, a post Diwali detox would be in order! What you eat over the next couple of weeks can undo the toll taken by the festive season on your system.

Is it necessary to detoxify?
Detoxification means flushing out the bad and letting the good in. For instance, what do you when you are hung-over after too much alcohol? Lots of water and maybe lemon juice – it’s how you detoxify your body to flush the alcohol out. Is it necessary? To get rid of that headache, yes. Similarly, the avalanche of fried food and sweetmeats that you are feeding your body (which it is clearly not used to digesting) clogs your system. It needs a break and hence the need for detox. It’s not only a way of flushing out the toxins but also to compensate for all the binging during the festive season.
Lesser portions, frequent meals: Cut back on the size of your portions and try eating 5-6 times rather than 3 times a day. Addchaas in between meals when you feel hungry and eat fruits.
Reduce sugar intake: This is easier said than done because we tend to drink tea or coffee at least twice a day and prefer sweet lassi tochaas. Soft drinks are another vice so make a conscious effort to avoid these. Post Diwali, your body is dealing with excess sugar so try to give it as much plain fluids as you can. Water is a great detox option and a glass of warm water in the morning as soon as you get up can work wonders.
If you are wondering how you can avoid the sugar from fruits, remember that natural sugar is always better than processed sugar.
Say no to oil: Cut back the amount of oil in your dals and vegetables. Don’t use butter or ghee on your rotis for some time. Instead of frying, try baked or grilled dishes.
Eat fresh: Consume lots of green leafy vegetables, have green salad; the more you eat fresh the faster your body detoxifies. Steer clear of red meat.
Exercise: The last few days of high calorie diet and lack of exercise must have taken a toll on your body – give it some movement. Walk or climb your office stairs; move around as much as you can.
Pamper yourself: Forget the food bit for the moment; all the reunions with relatives, meeting with friends, late night parties with families is bound to leave you tired once the festivities are over.  Before the daily routine of work begins it would be a good idea to visit a good spa. Many offer post-Diwali treatments that’ll leave you feeling refreshed physically as well as mentally. Conventional detox treatments include body masks, dry scrubs, hydrotherapy and of course, chocolate scrubs, foot spa treatment and facials. You can opt for a spa session at home as well but there’s nothing quite like getting pampered by an expert.
How not to detox
Those enthusiastic about detoxifying their systems sometimes go all out and do things they should not do. These practices are not only useless but can have a worse effect on your body.
Starving yourself: Just because you have binged or overeaten a tad doesn’t mean you have to starve your body in order to lose all those extra calories. Crash diets are a strict no-no. If you need a better idea of what you need to eat, consult a dietician.
Skipping meals:  So you think, ‘Instead of eating less, I’ll just skip lunch entirely’. Don’t. Skipping meals is the worst idea possible and you won’t lose weight this way.
Depriving yourself of everything you love:  Yes, you are trying to stick to a detox plan. But don’t deprive yourself of the things you relish. If you do, you crave more and the more you crave the more you’ll slip. Allow yourself one odd scoop of ice cream but don’t go overboard.
Make detox easy
It’s very difficult to go on a detox plan right after a week filled with delicious sweetmeats and traditional snacks. To make it easy, try detoxifying during Diwali. Keep a tab on how much you eat in a day and if you’ve eaten too many sweets, go easy on meals.
The most important thing, although slightly difficult, is to maintain your exercise routine. Even if you can spare 30 minutes a day for a brisk walk it will do your body a lot of good. Promise yourself a fruit at least once a day because fibres can help detoxify well. Drink a lot of water 15 minutes before a meal so that you eat lesser. Try to curb the sweets to day time because it gives your body a chance at burning some calories.
The easier you go on your body before and during Diwali, the better your chances of recovering after it.
Detoxifying after a festival needn’t be a punishment! And why should it be? Treat yourself to all the goodies out there but to a limit. After all, you want to be snack-ready for the next festival!

Saturday 4 October 2014

Healthy Diwali Tips - simple & effective.

At Diwali, we tend to eat a lot of sweets, but remember that moderation is key and and one should always keep one's health and weight in check. Fatty foods, sweets and other fried snacks should be enjoyed in small amounts. To help you have a healthy and fun-filled Diwali, we share some healthy tips with you.

Stay hydrated: 

While runing errands, most of us forget to drink water. Low water intake can make one feel more tired and low on energy as this inhibits the absorption of other macro nutrients.

Clear urea:

The clearing of urea gets inhibited by lack of water.  Urea is toxic for the body; excess urea will only drain one's energy. Low energy levels, makes us crave sugar. So, increase your water intake 15 days prior to the festive day by at least two to three glasses.


Food is a symbol of hospitality and friendship throughout the world and Diwali is one festival, where we spend time with family and friends.  Try and avoid ghee laden sweets like ladoos, kaju katli, etc. Set an example by sending hampers of fruits and dry fruits. Fruits are less calorie dense foods, dry fruits are a better choice of fats, and they also contain a good portion of protein and vitamins.

Pre-Diwali party:

Pre-Diwali parties are something one can’t avoid and most parties are incomplete without alcohol and fried starters, rich gravies with cream. Eating a heavy meal and alcohol slows down the metabolism. Avoid this by eating light throughout the day, so you end up consuming lesser calories. Choose salads, soups, fruits, grilled and roasted meats, egg whites, and complex carbohydrates like a whole wheat phulka. Cut out processed food like biscuits, bread, ready to eat porridge etc.

In the night, before stepping out for a party eat a good meal. This will prevent you from binge eating. Also, limit your alcohol intake. Avoid mixing your drinks with juices and aerated waters, which only add to the sugar content and promotes weight gain.


If you are planning a party,  choose desserts made at home with skimmed milk and jaggery and honey.


More importantly, do not give up on your exercise schedules, in fact for days during Diwali and for a month after Diwali, increase the duration of your exercise by 15 minutes. It is better to stay active and fit and simultaneously keep the weight gain at bay. Do include a few calming poses at the end of the workout to help re-energise your body and mind. 

Frequent meals:

Avoid consuming a huge meal at breakfast and lunch. Ideally, have more frequent meals, may be eight small meals to keep you going and elude the sugar surge. 


Remember, moderation is key. Indulge in the festivities but eat right at the right time and in the right amount.

After Diwali:

Many people resort to “Detoxification”. They starve themselves to quickly lose those extra pounds gained during Diwali. It’s very important to understand your body here and first access the situation. Is it your weight gain due to extra food intake? Or is it puffiness and bloating due to lack of sleep, rest and less water intake? Or is it avoidance of regular exercise that has caused the weight gain
Detoxification is good for resting your system and cleansing your liver of the extra sugar, but at the same time it’s not the one stop solution. It can prove detrimental if done without the right goal and extended for a long time.

Sleep well: 

A well rested body will ensure the right assimilation and absorption of food and hence this will lead to an active digestibility and promote weight loss.

Wishing you all a Healthy Diwali !!

Sunday 21 September 2014

Oomph Fit Tip BY - Mitalee Doshi

Hello All Health Enthusiasts,
It's been quite some time that I have been able to post an update on my Blog.
My apologies for the same. Here is some important but basic fact about your Health.

Do you feel hungry within an hour of waking?
If you answered yes, then good! This likely means you are in tune with your appetite.
If you answered no and you're struggling with your weight, you may be over-eating in the second half of the day (often the evening).
It is perfectly normal to feel physically hungry a number of times throughout the day. Allowing your self to feel hungry and listening to these body cues, enables you to know when to eat and once you have eaten enough.
A key to managing your eating (and weight) is being in tune with your appetite and to do this, you need to allow yourself to feel hungry.
Any weight loss program that promises you'll never feel hungry is probably not going to help you long-term as you won't learn to trust your body.
Feeling hungry on waking means you're more likely to eat a nourishing breakfast. Eating a nourishing breakfast often leads to making better food choices throughout the day and you may find you're less likely to over-eat in the evening.
Feeling hungry is a NORMAL and necessary part of life. Feel free to share this post.
Get connected with us with OR call us on 9167915565 to begin your Health plan with Oomph Nutrition.

Thursday 24 July 2014


a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal,Spoonful, etc. are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour.

b.  Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork.  Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and  fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment.  About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day.

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties.

f. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the
body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

g. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax
and enjoy life.

h. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular
level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Monday 2 June 2014

10 Lessons for healthy eating for kids

A decline in physical activity, coupled with eating too much, too often is the simple explanation for the rise in childhood obesity. Prevention is easier than cure, so here are some feeding rules which will help you raise healthy children, for life.
Lesson 1: Parents teach children how to eat for life.
If you want your children to eat nutritious food, you need to set a good example. That means no hidden treats, soft drink in the fridge or different food rules for parents – the whole family needs to eat well, including dad!
Lesson 2: Activity is just as important as food intake.
If children move for at least an hour each day, not only do they have less time to eat, they are also far less likely to have weight issues. Encourage physical activity — play outside if you must, even during winter there are fun sports and activities to indulge in.
Lesson 3: There is a time to eat and a time not to.
Remember, the body needs at least 2-3 hours in between meals to allow for digestion and to allow the sensations of hunger and fullness to work. At home, try and keep relatively structured meal times so children learn that there are times to eat during the day and times not to. Once small children stop grazing, not only are they far less likely to reject their vegetables at dinner, but their intake of processed, non-nutritious snack foods will also be reduced.
Lesson 4: Food should be eaten at the table, as a family.
Studies have shown that children who sit at the table and eat family meals regularly are significantly less likely to have weight issues – with the TV off, of course!
Lesson 5: Carbohydrates should be the best quality possible.
Children should be eating low Glycemic carbohydrates where possible such as whole grain bread and wholegrain breakfast cereals such as oats. Remember, it is not that children do not “like” grain bread; it is just that they may prefer something else.
Lesson 6: Children are never going to like vegetables more than other foods
Compared to sweet, starchy foods, vegetables have a relatively bland taste which means it is unlikely they will ever be a child’s first food of choice. All that matters is that you offer different varieties and if there are one or two varieties they are happy to eat, raw or cooked each and every day, continue on. If they don’t eat them, it is ok – just keep offering and don’t replace them with other foods such as bread.
Lesson 7: Water is the only drink for children.
Soft drinks and juices are all high in sugar with little other nutrition and are not appropriate for children
Lesson 8: Treats need to be included regularly.
Complete deprivation leads to food obsession, stealing and over consumption. Include healthy cookies, cakes and pies so the focus is not on not eating certain food but having health versions of them.
Lesson 9: The TV needs to be for movies and educational purposes only
Numerous studies have shown that increased screen time (television, computer, video games) is associated with obesity, depression, posture issues, dehydration and neurological disturbances.
Lesson 10: Monitor your child
Weight and measure your child every 3 months, this way increases or decreases in weight can be monitored and managed early. Also monitor bowel movements and appetite levels.

Sunday 27 April 2014


Cooking oil is expensive which is why we re-use it The only problem is that constantly reheating and reusing a batch of oil can break it down to release cancer-causing chemicals.

What happens when you use the same oil for deep frying again and again?
The problem with reusing oil is that it can create free radicals which cause ailments in the long run. Free radicals attach themselves to healthy cells and lead to diseases. These free radicals can be carcinogenic i.e. can cause cancer and also atherosclerosis which can lead to increase in bad cholesterol levels, blocking the arteries.’
Some other potential health risks of reusing oil include:
·         Acidity
·         Heart disease
·         Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
·         Irritable throat (due to inhalation)
How many times can one reuse oil?
There is no set number to how many times one can reuse the oil as it depends on factors like which oil is used, how long the oil was heated, was it used for deep frying or shallow frying, what type of food was cooked in it etc…’
Though using a fresh batch every time is good, it is not really practical. But if done correctly, one can reduce the risk of negative effects that reused oil may pose.
·         Make sure the leftover oil from cooking or frying is cooled down and then transferred into an airtight container through a strainer/cheesecloth. This will remove any food particles in the oil as they spoil the oil much sooner than expected.
·         Make sure you check the oil each time before reusing for the colour and thickness. If it’s dark in colour and is greasy/sticky than usual it is time to change the oil.
·         Also, if the oil is smokey on heating much before than expected, you need to discard this batch as it may have accumulated HNE which is a toxic substance that has been associated with a number of diseases including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, stroke, liver disease, etc.
·         Another thing to remember is that not all oils are same. Some of them have a high smoke point i.e. they can be used for frying, deep frying. Basically they do not break down at high temperatures. Such oils include sunflower, safflower, soybean, rice bran, peanut, sesame, mustard and canola oil. Oils which do not have a high smoke point such as olive oil should only be used for sautéing, nothing which will involve high temperatures. So make sure you do not use the wrong oil for cooking and definitely don’t reuse it for frying, etc. 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Healthy Alternatives to Junk Food

There are lots of foods that silently add hundreds of calories to your diet. These foods are easily accessible and tasty. These are also often high in saturated fats or sugar or both. Thus, not only do they add to your body fat, they even increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases. For many people, the battle to lose weight or keep the fat off can be a long and difficult road and eating these high calorie foods can only make it harder.

Find below a list of foods which are amongst the worst for achieving fat loss:-
1.      Fried Potatoes  Studies shows that people who consume potatoes daily, in any form, put on about a pound on average over 4 years. This is because of potato’s high GI (Glycemic Index), which causes a spike in blood sugar levels. Potatoes eaten in moderation are not bad since they even contain some essential nutrients. But when potatoes are fried, they absorb a lot of oil. So a high amount of saturated fat is added, which may increase the risk of heart disease and the body’s fat levels.
Better alternative For a low GI option, swap potatoes with sweet potatoes. Or have normal potatoes with the skin to increase fibre content. You can make your own French fries by oven roasting them with a light spray of olive oil.

2.      Processed Meats Processed meats are high in fat, most of which is saturated and also high in calories, which contributes to weight gain.
 Better alternative Choose lean meats and opt for a lower saturated fat protein source such as fish.

3.      Soda and energy drinks Sugar sweetened soda and energy drinks are high in sugar and calorie content and there are little to no nutrients in these drinks.
Better alternative Sugar free sodas or water flavoured with a lemon/lime juice.

4.      Refined Grains Food that is made from refined grains such as white breads can spike blood sugar levels which can increase hunger and make us overeat.
Better alternative Whole grain based foods.

5.      Mayonnaise Apart from pure fats and oils, mayonnaise may just be the foods with the largest percentage of fat. A100g serving of mayonnaise contains about 80g of fat.
Better alternative Use low fat yoghurt with lemon as a substitute of tangy salad dressing.

6.      Ice cream and cream Ice cream contains not only fattening cream, but also eggs yolks and sugar, which means it is incredibly high in calories.
 Better alternative Use low fat yoghurt or condensed milk to replace cream in cooking and choose low fat and sugar ice creams or sorbet, which is water based.

7.      Chocolate, cake and candy These foods are high in sugar and calories with low nutrient value.
Better alternative If you do eat chocolate keep portion sizes small and opt for higher cocoa content as cocoa provides healthy antioxidants. Choose other treats such as fresh fruits, low fat yoghurt or a low sugar flavoured dairy dessert.

8.      Fast Foods Fast foods are detrimental for any diet, weight loss or not. They are high in saturated fat content, contain simple carbohydrates and are likely to be high in sugar content.
Better alternative Make tasty and healthier alternatives at home using healthy ingredients such as whole grain, lean meat, low fat ingredients and good fats. If you do eat at a fast food joint, then minimize the portion size.

9.      Butter, lard and other animals fats With pure saturated fat and very high calories, it is best to stay away from these.
Better alternative Replace animal fat with unsaturated fat like olive oil or canola oil. Choose non fat cooking methods or use spray oil for cooking to get the smallest possible amount.

Tuesday 18 March 2014


Since most detox diets are usually calorie-deprivation diets in disguise, I steer clear of them, but I still think that there are natural ways to get your body back on track. Exercise, cutting out alcohol and refined sugars, and eating a healthy diet does wonders. A little extra help doesn’t hurt either.

Here are ten healthy foods with natural cleansing properties. Include them in your next meal and get rid of that extra junk left over from the big feast.

1.    Wheatgrass Juice

The vital health – giving powers of whaet grass juice help fight a host of conditions like chronic fatigue, anemia ,high blood pressure,diabetes , high cholesterol , dull skin , liver problems,cold,asthma etc.It contains ample amount of chlorophyll which is structurally similar to hemoglobin and thus it is very effective in anemia treatment.

2. Lemon Water

Lemons are a great source of vitamin C, which is known to help the body detox and burn fat. It is  recommended to have water with lemon every morning as a way to alkalize the body and help with digestion.

3. Dark Leafy Greens

They help improve Hemoglobin levels, improve eye sight , improve bone health. It is rich in anti –oxidants and thus reduces risk of heart disease , cancer.It makes the skin shine , improves hair growth .You can add them to parathas, dal , salad, soup,sabzi.

4. Fresh Fruit

They are full of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and just about any other good thing you can name. They reduce risk of Stroke, heart disease and other heart-related illnesses ,Type 2 diabetes ,Certain cancers, provide energy , makes skin & hair shine
5. Cucumber juice
It is alkaline in nature and rich in potassium.It helps combat fatigue and muscle strain.It is highly effective in treating hyper acidity .It is also a skin cleanser which is even more effective when blended with carrot juice.
6. Carrot Juice
It helps fight tumors,increases vitality,improves skin, hair , nails and purifies the blood.It also strengthens immunity and prevents constipation.You can also mix it with beet juice or spinach juice with some seasonings.
7. Beets
It helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol , improve hemoglobin , relieves fatigue ,lowers risk of cancer. Fiber in beets help increase the production of antioxidant enzymes in the liver, which help the liver and gallbladder eliminate bile and other toxic substances from the body.
8. Ginger and Garlic
Ginger and garlic are good friends to the liver because they help it get rid of free radicals that are built up in the body. It improves immunity , fights cold and cough.It lowers risk of heart disease , diabetes and cancer.
9. Green Tea
It’s high in catechins — a flavonoid — which speeds up liver activity and increases the production of detoxification enzymes.It is rich in antioxidants. It helps in weight loss, improves bone health ,fights cancer,lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
10. Awla
It is the richest source of Vit C.It improves immunity,promotes health and longevity,fights cold and cough.It hastens healing process, gives healthier and more lustrous hair . It also cures acne and pimples. It can reduce pain and swelling and is helpful against diseases like arthritis.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Safety Tips For Celebrating Holi 2014

Come March and it is the time for welcoming Spring at its best and what better way to start it than with celebrating Holi. Legend has it that this Indian festival is celebrated in memory of Holika, the sister of Hiranyakashyap the demon king who ruled the Kingdom of Earth. This demon king wanted to kill his pious son Prahlad by placing him on a pyre of fire. So he coaxed Holika who had the boon of remaining unscathed in fire to keep Prahlad on her lap so that he could be burnt. However, Prahlad who was Lord Narayanas devotee escaped and till today Holi is celebrated to burn away evil from the Earth.
Filled with colours and a vibrancy that cannot be matched, Holi augments the period of goodwill and forgiveness and the custom of applying colours is linked to a scientific belief that these colours cool the body and ward away viral diseases like chicken pox and other skin ailments. However, over a period, celebrations have taken a turn and have proved detrimental to health. Let us have a look on some safety tips for celebrating Holi.

Oil Your Body Well
  • Firstly, since Holi is a festival of colours, remember to oil your hair and body well before you go out to play. Apply castor oil or coconut oil on your body and hair and add lemon in the oil if you have dandruff.
  • A sunscreen lotion and a moisturizer would cap it up and make sure you reach out behind your ears, as these remain neglected areas and get filled with the varied colours.
Beauty Care on Holi Day
  • It is a good idea to apply nail polish, as this would prevent the colours from entering your nails and spoiling them.
  • Applying a lip balm makes sure your lips do not get filled with colours.
  • Keeping a soothing agent like cucumber juice or aloe vera helps. Avoid gaudy colours and as far as possible use natural colours.
What To Wear on Holi
  • Wear cotton clothes, which are dark and stay away from synthetic as they stick to the body when wet.
  • Also, do not wear jeans, as denims tend to get heavy when they get wet. Save your skin by covering your body well with long sleeved and long pants.
Water Water Everywhere, Stay Hydrated
  • Stay hydrated and make sure you have lot of water during and before you play Holi. These safety tips for celebrating Holi would help you have a happy, joyous celebration without any problem.
All Eyes On Holi
  • If you are, using contact lenses then steer away from wearing lenses while playing holi.
  • Be careful with your spectacles and make sure you have a thread to hold it to your eyes lest it falls off in a pool of water.
Some More Tips
Other safety tips for celebrating Holi include simple practices like keeping the windows of your car shut and keeping a safe distance from a frenzied group. If someone has applied a permanent colour on you, rinse it of with cleansing milk first and then use soap on it.
Once Holi is over take a warm water bath and apply body lotions and moisturizer. Holi is a warm and happy festival and you could make it memorable by following these simple safety tips on Holi and by binging on Bhaang and Puran Poli.
Till then Bura na Mano Holi Hai!

Monday 24 February 2014

7 dont's after a meal

*    Don't smoke- 
      Experiment from experts proves that smoking a 
cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (risk
of cancer is higher).

*    Don't eat fruits immediately – 

      Immediately eating fruits after 
meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take 
fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.
*    Don't drink tea – 
     Because tea leaves contain a high content of 
acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we 
consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest and also tannins in tea inhibit absorption of iron and other nutrients.         

*    Don't loosen your belt – 

      Loosening the belt after a meal will 
easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.   

*    Don't bathe – 

      Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to 
the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach 
will therefore decrease.  This will weaken the digestive system in 
our stomach.               

*    Don't walk about – 

      People always say that after a meal walk a 
hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not 
true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb 
the nutrition from the food we intake.       

*    Don't sleep immediately – 

      The food we intake will not be able 
to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our 